
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Summary of Butler R-V Regular June Meeting

Courtesy FM 92.1 The Bullet

Old Business: Mike Hoover who is overseeing district construction projects updated the board on progress on the track. The district has incurred $42,000 for the removal of rock. $25,000 was built in the project for rock expenses. Mr. Hoover reported that inside the track curbing should begin in the next week or so, and that asphalt should be installed by the end of the month. July should be when the track should be surfaced.

New Business: The board approved the consent agenda with the transfer of $140,000 dollars from fund 1 to fund 4 designated for the use of outdoor facility improvements by 2012-2013 fiscal year.

Program Evaluations

a. Pam McCanles reported on behalf of the technology department.
b. The board voted to give employees their steps for the 2012-2013 school year.
c. The board approved a high school dress code revision to include making all skirts, shorts and jeans to be of solid material above the knees.
d. Mr. Heath Oates reported on the substantial progress that the district has made on high school End of Course exams.
e. The board approved a 9.4 million dollar budget for the 2011-2012 school year.
f. The was no Educational Foundation report given.
g. Bryan Tippie reported that the Bear Backers had a very successful golf fund raiser and that final numbers on how much was raised was not completely available at this time.
h. Board member Larry Anderson asked the board to pursue the MSBA Leadership Team Award.
i. Board member Larry Anderson asked the board to pursue goals for the board.
j. Board member Larry Anderson asked the board to develop criteria for systematic evaluation of all district administrators.

Closed Session: The board accepted the resignation of Alfred Trautweiler. The board approved the hiring of Jon Wells for high school English, Laury Johnson for elementary teacher, and Anna Arnold for elementary music.

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