New Business:
a. The board approved the consent agenda.
b. The board heard presentations from Abby Colin on PAT and Susie Tenholder on Vo-Tech.
c. The board approved the Memorandum of Understanding for the elementary to serve as a severe weather facility.
d. The board approve the Memorandum of Understanding for the district to serve as a Red Cross Shelter.
e. The board renewed their contract with OPAA food service.
f. The board reached consensus that the district could seek other schools to join in an athletic consortium for the sport of wrestling.
g. The board asked that the Butler Alumni Association come to the board with their ideas on a time capsule to be place on district grounds.
h. The board heard a report from the superintendent on interest earning for the district. The board agreed that it would be best to stay with the agreement with Community First Bank.
i. The board heard a report from all administrators on the progress made toward the Comprehensive School Improvement Program. Significant progress has been made toward the CSIP goals with the exception of those that required additional funding to achieve.
The board had received notice that Citizens Bank had introduced a School Visa Check Card that provides the school funds when transactions are made.
Closed Session:
The board approved the resignation of Ronald Dunsdon.
The board approved the hire of Sandra Debrick as a teacher in science.
The board accepted the resignation of Johnny Teeman from coaching basketball.
The board reinstated teacher Holly Rabourn.
The board approved coaching duties for the fall and winter sports for the 2012-13 school year.
The board approved the rehire of Heath Oates assistant superintendent.
The board approved the next meeting to be held on April 18th following Spring Break.
The board agreed to hire a student to assist with grounds maintenance this summer.
-courtesy FM 92 the Bullet
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