
Monday, September 10, 2012

4-H members get a taste of college life while participating in a clothing competition

Jaclyn Crawford, Katie Kostuke, Tiffany Newkirk, Aubry Terry and Shaylee Terry from Bates County were among the 121 Missouri youth that participated in a clothing construction and consumerism contest during State 4-H Fashion Review on September 8 on the University of Missouri campus.

According to 4-H Youth Specialist Alan J. Mundey, the Bates County participants placed as follows:

• Katie Kostuke, 1st place, Clothes You Buy, Intermediate Division
• Shaylee Terry, 2nd place, Clothes You Make: Cotton Award, Junior Division
• Tiffany Newkirk, 5th place, General Clothes You Make, Senior Division

“This contest is designed to be fun, while helping youth enhance their skills and knowledge about sewing, garment selection, knitting and crotchet and the importance of setting and achieving goals,” said Alison Copeland, MU 4-H Youth Specialist. “State 4-H Fashion Revue is also about exposing young people to the research, education and other efforts MU is doing in these areas. We want them to see what they might be able to do with their interests at a university like MU.”

The participants, ranging in ages 8-18, participated in a local fashion revue competition either in their county or regional area that qualified them to participate in the state contest.

Fashion Revue participants also gathered in the Memorial Union on the campus to learn about other topics such as public speaking and to participate in a service learning project that included making 35 weighted blankets for children with autism. The blankets were donated to a statewide organization that will distribute them to families in need. The participants learned about developmental disabilities and experienced the satisfaction that comes from helping others.

- our thanks to Alan Mundey

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