St v. Heidi E Benton, Felony possession of controlled substance, marijuana/methamphetamines, set for May 20, 2013.
St v. Andrew D Shores, I: statutory sodomy, II: statutory rape, III: statutory sodomy, IV: statutory sodomy, V: Felony endangering welfare of child; VI: Felony endangering welfare of child, set for 4-15-13.
St v. Aaron G Dahmer, I: forgery, II: Felony possession of controlled substance, marijuana/methamphetamines, III: Misd. Unlawful use of drug paraphernalia; IV: Misd. Failure to drive on right half of roadway, set for 4-15-13.
St v. Terrance M Riley, I: Felony burglary; II: Felony assault, set for 4-15-13.
St v. Melanie L Frost, I: Felony distribution of controlled substance-clonozepam; II: Felony endangering welfare of child, set for 4-15-13.
St v. Jon E. Wilson, Felony possession of controlled substance, marijuana/methamphetamines, set for 4-15-13.
St v. Nicholas J Olvera, Jr., Felony possession of controlled substance, marijuana/stanozolol, set for 4-15-13.
St v. Adam A. Abney, I Felony possession of controlled substance, marijuana/hydrocodone, II: Felony tampering with motor vehicle, set for 3-18-13.
St v. Adam A Abney, Felony tampering, set for 3-18-13.
St v. Adam A Abney, Felony Domestic Assault, set for 3-18-13.
St v. Adam A Abney, I: Felony burglary, II: Misd. Theft/stealing, set for 3-18-13.
St v. Adam A Abney, Felony possession of controlled substance, marijuana/alprazolam, set for 3-18-13.
St v. Ashley R Mays, Felony stealing, guilty plea, given SIS, placed on 3 years probation, Defe. to pay $350 restitution, pay court costs, to attend and successfully complete treatment/counseling as directed, Defe. to be subject to random drug testing, random home/vehicle searches, Defe. shall not possess/consume any controlled substance or alcohol or be where sold/served, to perform 100 hours of community service.
St v. Sara Guss, Felony possession of controlled substance, methamphetamines, guilty plea, given SIS, placed on 5 years probation, to pay $150 on State Forensic Laboratory account, pay court costs, Defe. to attend and successfully complete any counseling/treatment as directed, to get substance abuse treatment and aftercare, to be subject to random drug testing, random home/vehicle searches, Defe. shall not possess/consume any alcoholic beverages or be where sold/served, to perform 200 hours of community service.
St v. Amanda Leigh Jackson, Felony stealing, found guilty, sentenced to 6 mos. In Bates Co Jail, given SES of incarceration sentence, placed on 2 years probation, to pay restitution of $3600, pay court costs.
St v. Robert Lee Castro, probation revoked, previous sentence of 4 years in MDOC invoked, sentence to run concurrently with Henry Co cases, 120 day call back option. Court recommends Institutional Substance Abuse Treatment Program.
St v. Sandy K Sipp, probation revoked, continued on probation with same conditions as before.
St v. Daniel E Bough, Felony possession of controlled substance, methamphetamines, guilty plea, given SIS, placed on 5 years probation, to pay court costs, to pay $150 on State Forensic Laboratory account, Defe. to attend and successfully complete any counseling/treatment as directed, to get substance abuse treatment and aftercare, Defe. to be subject to random drug testing, random home/vehicle searches, to perform 200 hours of community service.
Jim Swope v Alana M Barragan-Scott, MO DOR, Petition for Declaratory Judgment filed.
St v. Stephen J Sanchez, Felony possession of controlled substance, hydrocodone, set for 3-20-13.
St v. Ernest D McConville, I: Felony possession of controlled substance, hydrocodone, II: Felony possession of controlled substance, alprazolam, III; Felony possession of controlled substance, oxycodone, IV: Felony possession of controlled substance, methamphetamines, set for 3-20-13.
St v. Michael E Lindsay, Felony possession of controlled substance, methamphetamines, set for 3-20-13.
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