
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Harry S Truman Birthplace State Historic Site to mark Truman’s 129th birthday

For more information: 573-751-1010

Volume 41-062   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 1, 2013
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — Harry S Truman Birthplace State Historic Site, in Lamar, will celebrate President Truman’s 129th birthday on May 11, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sponsored by Missouri State Parks, the event will include several activities throughout the day complete with birthday cake being served at 3 p.m.
Activities scheduled for President Truman’s birthday include demonstrations of 1880s crafts and games. Visitors can also tour the home where Harry S Truman was born. Historic site staff will be on hand to answer questions and discuss the president’s life and times.
Harry S Truman Birthplace State Historic Site preserves the small frame house where Missouri’s only U.S. President was born on May 8, 1884. From these humble beginnings in rural Southwest Missouri, Truman went on to become one of the United States’ most celebrated Presidents.
Harry S Truman Birthplace State Historic Site is located in Lamar, just two miles off of Interstate 49. For more information about the events, call the site at 417-682-2279. For information about state parks and historic sites, Missouri State Parks is a division of the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.

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