The Results Of Missouri State Highway Patrol's Participation In Operation Dry Water— National Crackdown On Impaired Boaters
Colonel Ronald K. Replogle, superintendent of the Missouri State Highway Patrol, announces the results of enforcement efforts to detect impaired boat operators in conjunction with the national “Operation Dry Water” campaign. This is the fifth year for the national effort to reduce impaired vessel operation by highlighting enforcement efforts. Troopers conducted four special operations over the weekend to include sobriety checkpoints, saturations, and heightened awareness during normal patrols.
A BWI checkpoint was held at the Missouri Highway 64 Bridge on June 28, 2013, on Lake Pomme de Terre in conjunction with Operation Dry Water. Troopers stopped 38 boats and issued 15 warnings. One arrest was made for BWI.
A BWI sobriety checkpoint was conducted on June 29, 2013. The checkpoint was conducted at Point #7 Table Rock Lake at the Missouri Highway 13 Bridge. Troopers stopped 124 boats during the checkpoint, and made five boating while intoxicated arrests. There were 51 warnings and six summonses issued for safety violations. One felony arrest was made for controlled substance; and one misdemeanor warrant arrest was made.
On Saturday, June 29, 2013, troopers conducted a BWI checkpoint in Camden County on the Lake of the Ozarks. There were 181 vessels stopped during the operation, one BWI arrest was made, two summonses for boating safety violations, one non-boating violation and 46 warnings were issued.
Also on Saturday, June 29, 2013, troopers conducted a river saturation along the Niangua River. Troopers contacted 65 vessels and made eight minor in possession arrests, seven other miscellaneous arrests, three traffic arrests, one felony warrant arrest, one misdemeanor warrant arrest, issued 35 warnings and contacted 219 persons.
Including those made during the four special operations, troopers arrested a total of 14 people statewide for boating while intoxicated, contacted 747 vessels and 1,405 boaters, and issued 114 boating violation summonses and 482 warnings. Marine operations troopers also issued 82 summonses for non-boating violations during the 2013 Operation Dry Water weekend. Special enforcement operations will continue throughout the summer months. Boaters are reminded that designating a sober skipper is always the safest bet if alcohol is going to be included in their boating experience.
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