The Altona 4-H met on Wednesday, October 12, 2011, at the Altona Community Hall. Our club leader, Todd Frankenfield, led us in a discussion on parliamentary procedure and the way the club would need to operate in the future. This discussion was held because of problems had at the previous meeting. At 6:50, president, Catie Welliver officially called the meeting to order and led us in the pledges to the American and 4-H Flags. Secretary, Jennifer Willerton called the roll and asked that we answer with our favorite color. There were 21 members and 19 adults present. Jennifer also read the minutes from the September meeting. Katie Frankenfield made a motion to accept the minutes as read and Bailey Collier issued the second. Motion passed. Treasurer, Cameron Tallman read the treasurer’s report. Todd Frankenfield read a note from the Rollin Bobbins club and accepted their donation. Old business included discussion of the budget and deciding if the club could afford to pay for each member’s entire dues. Lots of discussion ensued. After deciding the club could afford to pay each member’s entire dues, Hunter Self made the motion for the club to pay the members’ dues and Case Doody offered the second. Motion passed. Also discussed was if the hayride and weenie roast would count as an extra meeting. Charles Winder made the motion to accept the hayride and weenie roast as an extra meeting, Case Doody made the second. Motion passed. We discussed having a float in the Adrian Christmas parade; provided they have it again. We will find out more information and tabled further discussion until the November meeting. New business: There was lots of discussion about amending the club’s by-laws. The vote to change how long a member may hold an office has been tabled until the November meeting. Katie Frankenfield made a motion that the club should have its annual Thanksgiving Dinner at the next club meeting on November 8th and asked Vanessa Tallman to be the chairman. Rhonda Walley volunteered to help Vanessa organize the dinner. Case Doody made the second to the motion. Motion passed. Vanessa and Rhonda passed around a sheet so families could sign up for what they would like to bring. Meeting adjourned.
Case Doody, Reporter
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