To the citizens of Bates County: On August 2nd you are will be given an option to extend a capital improvement sales tax. This sales tax was originally passed in 2002 for the construction of the Sheriffs Office and Jail. That sales tax is scheduled to sunset in 2017. The County Commissioners have worked to identify needs of all county owned buildings. We are asking that you VOTE YES to continue the sales tax for the purpose of maintaining and repairing all county owned buildings with this tax. This sales tax is NOT a new sales tax and will NOT raise your taxes but continue what is already there. Specifically what will this tax do for your Sheriffs Office? As currently laid out the tax will begin to pay for needed upgrades and continued maintenance cost to ALL county owned building not just the Sheriffs Office. As the Sheriffs Office is a state of the art building that is controlled by electronics on a 24 hour a day 365 days a year. That means the building's moving parts, (doors, furnaces, hot water heaters, air conditioners, alarm systems, door control systems, speaker, etc) are constantly wearing out. As the building ages maintenance cost will increase. (
The jail is now 13 years old) As electronic become outdated they have to be replaced. As jail standards evolve our building has to change and stay within those standards. All these items are expensive.
The Commissioners have assured me that if this tax passes then substantial maintence cost would be covered with this tax along with needed repairs to other buildings like the courthouse. I have worked with the Commissioners in identifying security concerns with our courtroom and court procedures. Continuing this sales tax will allow for many of those concerns to be addressed keeping staff and citizens safer while conducting their business at the court house.
I am asking that you consider these things when voting for or against CONTINUING the capital improvement tax. In 2002 the citizens trusted our elected officials in building a new jail. Maintenance is the most important part in keeping the building in the condition the citizens expect. I am asking now that you help us to continue to maintain that jail AND all county owned buildings by voting YES to continue the capital improvement tax.
Thank you for your time please help spread the word by sharing this post
Bates County Sheriff Sheriff Chad Anderson
Comments from Larry Hackler:
VERY IMPORTANT issues related to jail and court security are targeted within this CONTINUED sales tax. With the changing times we are witnessing currently, we must preserve the quality of our county facilities and security is a major focus. Our current jail was great vision by previous Bates County officials, has been run professionally, and continues to be an important part of our county's functions. With the need for continued upkeep, modernization, and security equipment required to run it, we must have revenue to do the job right ... this CONTINUED sales tax will allow that to be accomplished.
To address additional uses of this CONTINUED sales tax, there are immediate needs for major expenditures at the actual courthouse. The entire lower half of the courthouse needs tuck pointing and the walkways and grounds next to the courthouse needs removed and raised to move water away from the building.
The current courtrooms are inadequate for the load of cases handled, and are high risk in respect to public safety and security. This must be addressed.
The TWO MOST IMPORTANT parts of this ballot issue to consider is:
1. That it is a "HALF CENT SALES TAX" that is about 40% funded by folks outside Bates County who purchase something WITHIN Bates County.
2. It is NOT a new tax or an added burden over what we pay RIGHT NOW.
PLEASE vote "YES" so we can continue to provide Bates County citizens the best possible services possible and preserve our county assets properly and prudently.