Celebrating 51 Years of Historical Preservation in Bates County
~Presenting Our 2012 Season~
February 4th, Saturday, 10:00 am—Annual Membership Meeting & Election and Show ‘n Tell Program followed by a free will offering Soup Dinner.
The annual Society Membership Meeting always signals the beginning of a new season and 2012 is going to be another exciting year. Your voice deserves to be heard and you are encouraged to attend the meeting to cast your vote for the Board of Directors, share in the always popular Show ‘n Tell presentations and complete the morning’s event by having a meal with us. Enclosed with this newsletter is a Ballot listing the candidates running for directorships. If you are unable to join us on February 4th, please complete and mail your ballot to the Museum’s PO Box.
March 24th, Saturday, 10:30 am— 4th Annual Ladies Brunch, “Wedding Traditions And Tales.” This is a ticketed event with limited seating. Tickets are $12.50.
Ladies, we all love Weddings and that is the theme for this year’s Brunch! Lavish to simple, and elegant to homespun. We have vintage wedding dresses that will be on exhibit and we want you to bring your Wedding Picture for a special display table. Will we be able to guess which one is yours? Have you ever wondered where some of the wedding traditions originated? Come and learn. There are delightful stories of weddings that occurred right here in Bates County that will be shared. Some are almost unbelievable....including a story about a wedding dress that survived a tornado! A lovely brunch, lovely memories and lovely Ladies. What better way to celebrate the coming of Spring and support the Museum? Join us! Call Peggy for reservations.
April 28th, Saturday, 10:00 am—Author Tom Rafiner discusses his book, “Caught Between Three Fires,” followed by a free will offering Salad & Sandwich Dinner.
“Caught Between Three Fires,” tells the detailed story of what the Civil War did to Cass County. Author Tom Rafiner is working on a new book and Bates County’s playing an important role. Now, Tom is looking at Bates County and is making a trip to the National Archives in Washing- ton, DC in February to research War Claims made by the citizens of our county. His interest lies in telling the stories of refugee families displaced by Order No. 11. Where did they go? Did they return? Tom will share a bit about his findings, tell of his ongoing research, review his current book and be available to answer questions and visit with you after his presentation. Following the program, there will be a free will offering Salad & Sandwich Dinner.
Electing the 2012 Board of Directors
Election time is here and we are most fortunate to have a great group of folks willing to give of themselves in order to guide and promote the Society & Museum. Currently, our Board members are: President Donna Gregory, Vice-President Jim Fisher, Secretary Terrie Jes- sup, Treasurer Alvin Griffin, Doug West, Alan Mundey, Stan Sechrest, Joyce Grainger and Jim Rumbo.
Alvin Griffin has served the Board for three consecu- tive two year terms and he is not eligible to run again. We thank Alvin for his years of service and especially for serving as Treasurer. A sample ballot is shown below and the actual ballot is enclosed in this newsletter. We are very pleased that Jim Bartlett of Rich Hill and Heath Oates of Amoret have agreed to be candidates on the bal- lot.
The official vote will occur at our Annual Meeting on Feb. 4th at 10:00 am. If you are unable to attend, please complete and mail the enclosed ballot to: Bates County Museum, PO Box 164, Butler, MO 64730. Thank you!
Sample Ballot
Board of Directors Ballot for 2012-13 Vote for 3 (three) Directors
______ Donna Gregory (Incumbent) ______ Jim Rumbo (Incumbent) ______ Jim Bartlett ______ Heath Oates
Freedom’s Frontier
Advisory Committee Appointment
Bates County Museum Director, Peggy Buhr, has accepted a position on the Advisory Committee of Free- dom’s Frontier National Heritage Area. (FFNHA) The Advisory Committee’s primary responsibilities are to serve as the Peer Review Committee for the Locations and Events Program, support and advise staff, facilitate the relationship between the Partnership Team and the Board of Trustees, shepherd committees and task forces, and serve as the organizing body for the Partnership Team.
“This is a wonderful opportunity for our Museum and the County. The association with FFNHA has allowed me to meet many new people throughout the region and by learning their stories, our collective story grows in understanding and significance. I am truly excited about the appointment and am eager to contribute in every way possible,” stated Peggy. The first committee meeting of 2012 will be in February and will likely coincide with the general meeting that is scheduled to be held in Ft. Leavenworth on February 9th. Anyone is welcome to attend the general meeting and information can be found on the FFNHA website: www.freedomsfrontier.org
Crossroads of Conflict: Contested Visions of Freedom and the Mo-Ks Border Wars
The above heading is also the title of a Landmarks of American History and Culture Workshop for Teachers that explores historic places, townscapes, and museum collections in light of recent research to understand the clash of cultures and differing defini- tions of ‘freedom’ that played out on the border of Missouri and Kansas.
The University of Missouri at Kansas City (UMKC) and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) offers this Teachers Workshop and the Bates County Museum will host one day of each session. The workshop attendees will be at the Museum on June 28th and July 12th. The NEH will provide stipends for those who attend; however, there is limited registration. Any teacher who might be interested in attending is encouraged to contact UMKC. Registration and stipend information is available at:
www.cas.umkc.edu/NEHBorderWars or by emailing Mary Ann Wynkoop at NEHBorderWars@umkc.edu
The Bates County Museum is extremely pleased to have been selected as one of the day-trip sites for the attendees. The partnership with UMKC continues to strengthen and we will again welcome some of the professors we have had the pleasure of working with on previous projects. Bates County’s history will be in the spotlight during these sessions. The events that occurred in our midst are extraordinarily unique and it is exciting to know that the educators attending the workshop will become acquainted with what happened here in the 1850s-60s.
Archaeological Field School Returns
Ann Raab has advised the Museum that UMKC will again sponsor an Archaeological Field School here in Bates County, June 9-29, for University Stu- dents studying archaeology. The last field school was in 2010, as in 2011 Ann was here with State archaeologists working on the Island Mound site. This year they will again focus on the two sites near Amsterdam that Ann suspects were burned during Order No. 11.
As in years past, there will be a Visitors Day for folks to see what the work is revealing. The Visitor Day site tour always draws a great crowd. More info will be available on the Field School in the coming weeks and a Visitor’s Day will be planned closer to the event.
Eddie Hermann Donates Archives to Museum
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Eddie & Shirley Hermann |
In October Eddie & Shirley Hermann visited the Museum and donated Eddie’s remarkable collection of Bates County history. The archive he has assembled over the years is amazing and the Museum is both humbled and honored to be the recipient of this wealth of history. Every person in the county is indebted to Eddie for keeping our history alive. Throughout the years, Eddie’s weekly column, “Historical Happen- ings,” was often the first item read in the News Xpress.
Once the archive is cataloged, it will be stored in a new file/research room that is currently being prepared. The importance of this archive cannot be overstated and the Museum will make every effort to ensure these materials are safely preserved for the future.
Eddie & Shirley returned home to Springfield, MO with confident assurance that this invaluable resource had found its new home....The Bates County Museum.
Old Museum Transferred
to Bates County Sheriff’s Posse
In September the old uptown museum, the 1894 Sheriff’s Residence & Jail, was transferred to the Bates County Sheriff’s Posse. Actually, we ‘sold it’ for $2.00 giving us a $1.00 profit since the building was originally purchased from the County by our Society for $1.00! Along with the old jail, the transfer included Atkeson’s Cabin, Hastin’s Barn and the Lindsay Stage- coach Depot. The Posse plans to restore the jail and open a Bates County Law Enforcement Museum. The Society & Museum are thrilled to know that the old jail will be restored and that there will be another historical attraction to draw even more visitors to the community. This is a win-win situation for all historically minded people in the county. The brick building had been in- spected and found to be structurally sound; however, the roof will be the first restoration project undertaken by the Posse as it is in dire need of repair.
Museum Receives Grant from the State Historical Society
The Museum was awarded a grant for $500 from the Richard S. Brownlee Fund through the State His- torical Society of Missouri. The grant money will be used to design a new permanent exhibit depicting the Battle of Island Mound.
The display will consist of three panels to de- scribe the story. Panel 1 will tell about Settlers & Bushwhackers, Panel 2 will focus on the 1st Kansas Colored Volunteer Infantry, and the Panel 3 will tell the story of the 1862 battle. Our Curator, Nita Thompson, will create the panels. There will also be duplicates of the permanent panels printed in order to present educational programs at locations outside the Museum.
President Donna Gregory and Museum Director Peggy Buhr traveled to Columbia on November 5th to personally receive the grant award at the annual meeting of the State Historical Society. The exhibit is expected to be completed before summer and will be an important addition to the interpretation of the story of the Battle of Island Mound as the 150th Commemoration in October 2012 is being planned and coordinated with Missouri State Parks. The Mu- seum expects a large number of visitors during that time and is anxious to showcase the exhibit spon- sored in part by the State Historical Society.
Look for Our Ad in the X-Changer
The Museum now has a weekly ad running in the X-Changer. Look for the ‘scroll & quill pen’ and you’ll find us! In an effort to broaden our audience, and potential visitors & members, we now have a format to reach many more thousands of people than ever before. The ad is already paying dividends as we have had gift shop sales and new memberships as a direct result of reaching out to area communities!
Battle of Island Mound State Historic Site
The Museum is working with the Missouri State Parks in planning the dedication of their newest State Historic Site located right here in Bates County. Plans include a site dedication ceremony and paying tribute to the 150th anniversary of the battle. The dedication is tentatively set for the last Saturday in October. This past summer the State posted signage at the site and prepared the land for planting native grasses. As details are finalized more information will be forthcoming. The Museum is honored to be the designated partner with the State and is eager to showcase our County and pay tribute to our past.
Truman Heartland Community Foundation
The Society Board has entered into a relationship with the Truman Heartland Community Foundation (THCF) in an effort to provide our supporters with one more means of ensuring the Society’s future financial security. Over the years, the Society has been the recipient of generous estate donations that have enabled the continued growth of the organization and this partnership offers a secure and attractive way for you to include the Society in your estate planning. Packets of information are available through the Museum’s office and a representative of THCF will gladly meet with you to explain the various financial investment options.
One of the mandates of a Board of Directors is to make decisions today that will aid in securing the future. The Historical Society’s Board has undertaken this partnership with the future in mind. It is important to make certain the Society is financially strengthened and can endure for another fifty years.
Our Lifetime Members will be contacted and presented information about THCF and it is our hope that serious consideration will be given to the prospect of including the Society in their estate planning. You are welcome to contact the Museum office and learn more about this exciting opportunity to help us continue Preserving Our History and Sustaining our Heritage.
~Museum Gift Shop~
The Museum Gift Shop is an ideal place to find a unique book for your own pleasure or for some- one who shares a love of history. The shop is open during regular hours of operation and we wel- come your visit. Come browse a while and see what we have to offer.
~Museum Matters~
Bates County Museum 802 Elks Drive, PO Box 164 Butler, MO 64730 660-679-0134 bcmuseum@earthlink.net
Open April-October Tuesday-Friday 9:30 am—4:00 pm & Saturday 9:30 am—12 noon. Closed Sunday, Monday & Holidays Non-Member Admission Rates: Adults $5, Students $2, Children 5 and under No Charge
www.home.earthlink.net/~bcmuseum www.facebook.com (Bates County Museum)
Robertson Hall is available for rental year round. Contact the Museum for information.
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