A push for funds involved a wide group of people from young to old. The county court gave the use of a room in the basement of the courthouse. Little did they know that the library would remain there for 50 years. Finally, on June 12, 1926, the library was open to the public.
In 1977, the library moved to a new building constructed with funds from a legacy of a former Butler resident, Hazel Ludwick Neuschafer and her daughter, Norma K. Neuschafer. The land was donated by Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Rice.
Robert A. Heinlein, the renowned science fiction writer, was born in Butler, Mo in 1907. He died in May 1988 at the age of 80. Later that year, his wife advised the Butler Public Library of her husband's wish to expand the library, and accordingly, the Robert A. and Virginia Heinlein Library Foundation was established. Funds from the Foundation enabled the renovation of the present library and construction of the new wing. The newly renovated library was finished in 1991.
Today, the library is very active. We offer 3 internet stations, fax, scanner, microfilm readers and printers. We have a large genealogy section, young adult books, large print, magazines, newspapers, dvd's, and much more.
Story Hour is the 2nd and 4th Tues. of every month. 10:00-11:00 for 3-5 year-olds. Our book club, The Bookies, met the 2nd Thurs. of every month at 7:00 P.M. in our community room.
The summer reading program is open to Kindergarten through 6th grade and runs 9 weeks. This program is sponsored by the Butler Lions Club.
Throughout its history the library has existed without a tax base for support. The library survives through an active memorial program, donations from businesses, organizations, individuals and the City of Butler. We thank all of you who help support us in any way!
Editor's note- there is lots of useful information on the Butler Public Library web site www.butlerpubliclibrary.org. We encourage you to visit the library and we would like to thank the community for your continued support.
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