BCYAC wishes to extend a huge thank you to the following businesses and individuals for their donations of cash, food, and/or discounts: Casey’s, McDonald’s, Sonic, Midwest Lumber True Value, Justin Nieder, City of Butler, Butler Aquatic Center, III Mile R-V Park, Community First Bank, Jim & Carol Platt, Mike & Pam Grainger, Casey & Abby Colin, and Kris Jenkins.
BCYAC also wishes to extend appreciation to the following individuals, who donated their time and talent during the event: Kelly Stark, Tiffany Essenpries, Anissa Harris, Sandy Cook, Jeremy Platt, Christina Spitler, Casey & Abby Colin, Janet Gaylord, Sarah Formhals, Mike & Pam Grainger, Phyllis Morris, Jim & Carol Platt, Alan Mundey, and Butler P.D. Also, thank you to the parents/guardians who allowed their child(ren) to participate.
Please know that BCYAC is truly thankful for your continued support. The children had a wonderful day, full of all the things they love…breakfast, swimming, lunch, an inflatable, ice cream, and so much fun!
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