
Sunday, June 10, 2012

43 attend BCYAC Day Camp this weekend

The Bates County Youth Advocacy Council (BCYAC) held its annual Day Camp yesterday and 43 children were in attendance, making it one of the most successful Day Camps to date.

BCYAC wishes to extend a huge thank you to the following businesses and individuals for their donations of cash, food, and/or discounts: Casey’s, McDonald’s, Sonic, Midwest Lumber True Value, Justin Nieder, City of Butler, Butler Aquatic Center, III Mile R-V Park, Community First Bank, Jim & Carol Platt, Mike & Pam Grainger, Casey & Abby Colin, and Kris Jenkins.

BCYAC also wishes to extend appreciation to the following individuals, who donated their time and talent during the event: Kelly Stark, Tiffany Essenpries, Anissa Harris, Sandy Cook, Jeremy Platt, Christina Spitler, Casey & Abby Colin, Janet Gaylord, Sarah Formhals, Mike & Pam Grainger, Phyllis Morris, Jim & Carol Platt, Alan Mundey, and Butler P.D. Also, thank you to the parents/guardians who allowed their child(ren) to participate.

Please know that BCYAC is truly thankful for your continued support. The children had a wonderful day, full of all the things they love…breakfast, swimming, lunch, an inflatable, ice cream, and so much fun!

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