
Thursday, August 23, 2012

The sky's the limit for airport open house Sept. 8th...

From the Butler city council meeting Tuesday evening

We'll open the Butler City Council news
with word that the annual fall cleanup will start September 10th. They'll do the area north of Fort Scott Street in the first week, September 10th and will do the area south of Fort Scott Street in the 2nd week. But you really should not be putting out junk until the week before the cleanup.

In other news, the annual Open House at Butler Memorial Airport is going to be quite an exhibition, again this year. It's scheduled for Saturday, September 8th, from ten til two. Dennis Jacobs said pilots from all over will be either flying in or driving in, to take part.

Jacobs said there'll be demonstration flights, skydiving demonstrations, displays on the field, and you can even get to fly in a helicopter for a nominal fee. Dennis said powered parachutes, as well as life flight and other aircraft are scheduled to be there.

Plenty to eat, too...get a hamburger dinner for five dollars, and there'll be a raffle for one hundred dollars worth of aviation gas, available of course, to pilots and aircraft owners.

There'll even be awards for the best home-built and factory-built biplanes. This is an activity being sponsored by five area organizations, including the Airport Booster Club...The Skydive Club of Kansas City and Butler...Spencer Aircraft Maintenance, located at the airport...Corner Hardware of here in Butler, and Dennis Jacob's business, Computer Aisle, located at Corner Hardware.

There are no city funds involved in this major activity. It's all sponsored by those we've just mentioned. That's Saturday, September 8th, from ten til two...rain date the following Saturday, September 15th.

In news from the City Council itself...You may already have heard this from an earlier broadcast, but the City of Butler has explained that due to the extreme heat and lack of rain, you may have noticed a change in the taste of city water. The water is safe to drink, and the city lake has been treated for the algae growth that has caused the difference. It will be back to normal shortly. The lack of rain and the heat wave we've experienced has caused a number of problems, including water lines breaking and trees losing their leaves early. We all hope our trees will live through all this.

As you may know, the Butler City Limits go north, up Business 71, to take in the airport. The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing, September 18th to rezone the area north of Dave's auto repair, up to the Quality Home Care building, from R-4 Multi-family Residential, to C-3 Highway Commercial.
It also will consider vacating a portion of land that extends north of Maple Street, which is unopened and unimproved land north of Lee Street. The Commission also discussed getting a new interchange at road TT, just north of the airport that would provide better access to Butler's Industrial Park.

The Butler Council is considering a resolution that would ask MPUA (the Missouri Public Utility Alliance) that would ask them to reimburse Butler for expenses involving the installation of the catalytic convertors on the generators at our power plant, and for the construction of a new sub-station at the plant. This would construct a new transmission line from the new substation at the plant, to the KAMO substation, located at the 71/52 interchange.

As for that new substation, City Administrator Mark Arbuthnot and engineer Bob Noel have been working on that possibility. It would allow Butler to take more power from the lines. A tentative route has been decided, and the City will be talking to property owners about easements for the line. Tom Durkin from the Missouri Attorney General's office says Butler needs to make sure it's complying with the Missouri Sunshine Law regulations. There was a workshop at Bates County Memorial Hospital August 15th concerning the law, which requires all meetings to be made public, except for those dealing with personnel, property, or legal matters.

And speaking of legal’s, the City Council has decided that it should again be recording minutes of meetings. This was done in the past, but was stopped years ago. Now, they feel that at least written minutes should be kept.

Butler residents voted August 7th, to keep the one-eighth-of a cent sales tax to keep Fire Department equipment up to snuff. This tax had run out, but the vote keeps it going as of January 1st. Butler's sales tax will be 7.35 cents per dollar, with that one-eighth of a penny put back.

The plan for Butler to loan its pavement roller to Rich Hill was the neighborly thing to do, and it's working. Rich Hill is working on streets and this was loan was taken care of with a lease agreement.
The City is still waiting to be notified if the unsafe structure demolition application has been approved.
And the City is now requesting bids for the Downtown Improvement Project, which has been a long time in the works. Bid advertisement is set forSeptember 14th, and bids will be opened October 8th. More information for bidders at City Hall. Work still to be done include the crosswalks, north and south, as well as benches on the sidewalks, and lighting on the courthouse lawn.

And one more reminder that the annual city fall cleanup is set for September 10th., with the area north of Fort Scott Street being handled the first week, and the area south during the week of the September 17th.

-as reported, FM 92 the Bullet

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