
Monday, August 6, 2012

Summer Heat Increases Your Need for Fluids

From Tammy Roberts, Nutrition and Health Education Specialist

The summer heat of 2012 has been relentless. With these extreme temperatures sweating increases and so does the risk for dehydration.

Hydration is important because water makes up about 60% of your body’s weight and is an important part of many body processes. It helps regulate body temperature, heart rate and blood pressure. Water is present in every cell in the body and helps nerves and muscles function. Water helps to transport nutrients and helps with elimination of waste.

Mild dehydration is when you have lost 2-5% of your body fluids. Symptoms of mild dehydration include thirst, dry mouth and throat, rapid pulse, low blood pressure, weakness or a lack of energy, and reduced quantity of urine. When there is a fluid loss of more than 5%, the body has severe reactions which includes pale skin, bluish fingertips and lips, rapid, shallow breathing, weak, irregular pulse, and confusion or disorientation. It can result in shock, seizures, coma and death.

An estimated amount of fluid for a person who burns about 2,000 calories a day is about 8-12 cups. “That may sound like a lot to drink but you really don’t have to drink that much. Fluid can also come from the foods you eat” said Tammy Roberts from University of Missouri Extension. Celery, cucumber, lettuce and summer squash are 90-95% water. Grapefruit, strawberries, broccoli and tomato are 90-94% water, and yogurt, egg white, fruit juices, apples and carrots are 80-89% water.

An important thing to keep in mind is that the thirst mechanism can become weak in senior citizens so they may need to implement a way of assuring they drink enough. “Some people pour a pitcher of six or so cups of water in the morning and assure they drink it by the time they go to bed” said Tammy. At the other end of the life span is children who often don’t honor thirst cues. It is important to assure they are drinking enough fluids. A good gauge of hydration is the color of their urine. A dark color is an indicator they are not drinking enough.
Summer is a great time for many outdoor activities. Just remember that if you are sweating, that precious fluid needs to be replaced. Next time you leave the house; don’t forget your water bottle!

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