
Saturday, December 14, 2013

Troop A MSHP News Release - WInter Driving And Weather Related Fatality Crashes‏

  Captain Robert L. Powell, commanding officer of Troop A, Lee's Summit, reminds motorist to adjust their driving habits to the winter season. In the past 24 hours, most of the State of Missouri has received snow and ice making traveling very treacherous. In the same time period there have been nine weather related traffic fatalities in Missouri.

Make sure everyone in the vehicle is wearing a seat belt and only travel in adverse weather when it is absolutely necessary. If you find yourself out in winter weather, slow down and drive a speed that is appropriate for the conditions. Make sure to leave extra room between your vehicle and the one in front of you. Also, when the temperature is near freezing, the roadway may look wet when in fact ice is forming and that transition is very dangerous. Before you try driving on ice and snow covered roadways consider this: If you end up being injured or injuring someone else in a traffic crash because you decided to risk it, upon reflection, would the reason you decided to go out in inclement weather conditions be worth it? With rare exception, the answer is "No."

Captain Powell stated, "Troop A officers are working hard to help keep the roadways safe. Remember to do your part. I would like to remind motorists if you are involved in a minor traffic crash, without injuries, move your vehicle off the roadway to help keep traffic moving. To report any crash utilize *55 on a cellular phone or the Patrol's toll free number of 800-525-5555."

The Patrol encourages motorists and watercraft operators to protect themselves by making sure everyone in the vehicle is properly restrained in a seat belt or child restraint and everyone in the vessel is wearing an approved life jacket. Click It 4 Life and Wear It!!!

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