The Prescott Country View Nursing home hosted a good ole country “Hoedown” on Saturday, October 6. A cool evening was enjoyed sitting around fire pits enjoying the live Christian music by “Rushing Wind”. Mountain oysters, hamburgers, hotdogs and all the fixing’s were delicious. Auctions and a cake walk were enjoyed by many. The high light of the evening was a line dance demonstration performed by the “Country View Hoedowners” dressed in their overalls and straw hats. It was a fun time for all.
The Annual Hume PTO School Carnival will be held on October 26. Please come out and support the carnival. A lot of hard work goes into keeping this tradition going.
The Hume United Methodist Church will host the annual Lord’s Acre Day Barbecue and Auction on Saturday, November 3. The meal will begin at 11:00 a.m. and the auction will start at 1:00 p.m.
-our thanks to Karen Irwin
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